Štampa o kompaniji Lemax
Investicioni projekti kompanije Lemax, februar 2019
Kompanija "Lemax" će uložiti milijardu rubalja u pokretanje druge proizvodne linije u svojoj fabrici radijatora od čeličnih panela u Taganrogu i još 5,5 milijardi rubalja u izgradnju novih...
SOK magazin septembar 2018
Eksperti iz vodećih kompanija govore o inovacijama, metodama povećanja produktivnosti opreme, njenoj pouzdanosti, pristupima optimalnoj konfiguraciji i upravljanju agregatima. Materijal se takođe...
Aqua-therm magazine, november - december 2017
At present, the Russian producer of household gas boilers “Lemax” has completed tests of a new condensation boiler. The testing program was implemented in leading laboratories of manufacturers of...
S.О.К. magazine, 2011
On the 5th of November Lemax Company - the largest domestic gas boilers producer in Russia - started a project on steel panel radiators production, meaning the construction of innovative and fully localized in Russia plant...
Most of us (thanks to either fantasy writers or English frame-breakers, Luddites, protested against technical progress in the early 19th century) are suspicious of robots. And how wrong we are!
The official opening of new domestic gas heating equipment plant of Lemax group (Taganrog) was held on March 30, 2009.